Ep. 48 Kindness is contagious…and good for business!

Meet the first-ever Kind Company Inspiration Award winner, Chris Ryan of Ryan Video Productions. Learn what inspired him and how he inspires others.

Visit the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce here https://carlsbad.org/

This year, the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce awarded its first-ever Kind Company Inspiration Award to Chris Ryan of Ryan Video productions. Hear the story of what inspired the award, how it came to be, and how Chris became its first recipient.

In this poignant, genuine, and heartfelt exchange, you’ll discover what goes into being a “Go-Giver” and how Chris’ kindness to his clients, environment and community has resulted in a cycle of healing he never knew could be possible. A little kindness goes more than a long way.

Let’s Get Social! Ryan Video Productions website: https://ryanvideoproductions.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/ryanvideoproductions/channel/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/ryanvideopro

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ChrisRyanVideoProductions

LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/4chrisryan/

Produced by Imagine Podcasting https://www.imaginepodcasting.com/